




After the Teacher Samael discarded the body that was incinerated, almost took a long time six years in appearing to public light, Pistis Sophia. In the congress of Yucatan, surrendered it to the fraternity international Gnostic.


Pistis Sophia like wisdom of God, contained in the seminal pearl, transformed in turn into golden embryo, integrated with the Being's autonomous parts in an alone one, united in the same Christ or Vishn�, "The Second Logoses"; it is the expression divine of our Mr. Vishn� that relates us with Him.


In Pistis Sophia, it is written with characters of fire of the 2� Logoses, the concerning to the Being's parts that we load inside, and the same keys to be related with them and to achieve the intimate self-realization of each one of the Being's isolated and superlative parts.


Pistis Sophia, with his thirteen regrets, takes our heart-stricken essence to the true regret, to learn how to clamor to request, to implore pardon to the light, so that it takes us out of the interior chaos.


All the directive J�anas or Gnostics should, institutional of the world, to "decree" their Missionaries and Priests that each one of the 13 regrets is studied from one to one in 2� Chamber, and their interpretation, minimum once a year, with the purpose of establishing the great rebellion of the multiple buried conscientious particles and conditioned by the psychological Mara.


The saddest and lamentable in the case, is that Pistis Sophia is in the Altar Saint, closed!, closed!, closed! In 90% of the Gnostics Sanctuaries.


When our Mr. the Christ, told us:� "Pistis Sophia will be opened in all the Altars Gnostics of the world."


Maybe the directive and missionary, don't they know and they ignore that a closed book of wisdom, in the internal and in the physical, does it indicate ignorance toward the knowledge true Gnostic?


And it is exactly that what exists, a terrible ignorance on the real conception of what is Pistis Sophia and for that reason they maintain it closed in the altar the same as the students in their same homes.


This to act indicates exactly that are closed, dark before the wisdom of Pistis Sophia, "In Terrible Ignorance."


World directive, missionaries and siblings Gnostics, Pistis Sophia should and has to be opened in the Altar Saint, the same as in our homes in the particular altar, so that its light flows in our consciences.


When, the officiating one ecclesiastical in deep ecstasy kisses the open Bible, he receives the spirit of the word - the spirit of Vishn� for their lips that fill with light with that divine contact, to penetrate to the sexual organ of the throat, and to saturate with towering atoms of the second logoses Vishn�, this divine uterus where the word is gestated, to recite the divine class of the Sacred Liturgy.


Institutional directive, Abbot, siblings Gnostics of the world without distinction of institutional flags:


We are in the duty of studying at least once, every year, the entirety of the Bible J�ana or Gnostic Pistis Sophia! Chapter to chapter, and I assure you that this way, we will assimilate Pistis Sophia in our conscience, for our knowledge and interior bloom.


To have Pistis Sophia like a consultation text and of answers to our physical necessities, moral and spiritual, is good, but the Buddha Jesus and our Mr. the Buddha Samael, didn't bring it to the world.


Did the Christ bequeath us to Pistis Sophia so that we self-realization in the Being, so that we study it and do we live her every day of our life, in our conscience and not of consultation, as a tarot, by no means so that this somewhere around in a filed bookseller or in the closed altars, is it "clear?" .


We know that some few ones exist devote of the path that don't do anything of the aforementioned, that they study Pistis Sophia that is their head book that they love Pistis Sophia deeply, for them our congratulations.


Pistis Sophia is a book of High Teurgy, with transcendent and wonderful magic keys, applicable to all the spiritual necessities of the soul.


Pistis Sophia, indicates us as transcending the sin, as annihilating the interior Mara.


Pistis Sophia explains clearly as the marriages Gnostics; exactly we should practice the Sahaja-Maithuna and how in the same altar of the love, realize the exact petition to behead and to incinerate the Mara or Me.


In Pistis Sophia, is indicated the punishments for each sin.


Pistis Sophia, we find the mass Gnostic that "Aberamentho", the Buddha or Christ Jesus, realized secretly for his pilgrimage in the sacred earth.


In Pistis Sophia, is taught the baptism of the water, the baptism of the fire, the baptism of the sacred spirit and the power of the Unction Eucharistic.

In Pistis Sophia is taught as forgiving us, using the savior, through the three baptisms and the Unction Eucharistic.


In Pistis Sophia, we feel the grandiose of the mercy and of the charity without limits towards our sinful souls, and it teaches us to have mercy and pity, towards our siblings and our fellow men, since we understand in conscience that the charity and the mercy, are a reality in the deep of our Beings and that if her had had pity towards us the sinners of the mud of the earth, as much as but we should feel charity, pity and to forgive, kissing the whip of the executioners that they insult us, defames and they calumniate.


Pistis Sophia is the true light of inherent God to our own conscience.

Let us pray to Pistis Sophia, let us take out Pistis Sophia of the interior chaos.


Let us integrate Pistis Sophia by means of the Sahaja-Maithuna and the Buddhist annihilation, taking the brand of light of Pistis Sophia to the whole humanity.


All the institutional directive of the world should, to "Decree" their Missionaries and Priests that each one of the 13 regrets is studied from one to one in 2� Chamber, and their interpretation, minimum once a year, with the purpose of establishing the great rebellion of the multiple buried conscientious particles and conditioned by the Mara Interior.


This to act indicates exactly that are closed, dark before the wisdom of Pistis Sophia, "in Terrible Ignorance ".